There was a time after the establishment of 3 TV stations in Sao Paulo & Rio - circa 1954-1959 - when young attractive female singers had a chance to become famous overnight simply by parading their beauty in front of those TV cameras. Singing well was a plus and made a few of these young things really popular among those who had the means of buying a TV set. Bianca Belini was one of those PYT's (pretty young things).
This is Bianca Belini's very first photo published at Revista do Radio in 1958.
When superstar Angela Maria could not appear at her Sao Paulo's weekly TV show, TV Record summoned 2 seasoned singers - Neyde Fraga & Elza Laranjeira - plus 2 new-faces - Bianca Belini & Luely Figueiró to substitute the absent queen.
Revista do Radio n. 480, 1958; 'Quando cantam as estrêlas' (When stars sing) was beamed on Friday nights at 8:20 PM at Channel 7, TV Record.
Revista do Radio n. 512, 1959; Bianca Belini moves to Channel 5, TV Paulista where she MCs a programme with Mario Brasini.
This is Bianca Beline's most popular image; Radiolândia n.287, 1959.
Revista do Radio n. 793, 1963; this note at 'Sao Paulo não para' says Bianca Belini, who was signed by Channel 2, TV Cultura got married on 23rd October 1963, with Glauco Lucio Carrada. That meant she would renounce to any artistic activity and would only live the private life.