Monday, 27 May 2024

Roquette Pinto Award 1957 - 1958 - 1960 - 1962 - 1963


Paulo Machado de Carvalho presents Manuel Durães & Edith de Moraes their 1957 Roquette Pinto trophy for their 21 years of commanding radio-drama at Radio São Paulo and elsewhere. 1958 was the last time TV Record presented the Roquette-Gala at Teatro de Cultura Artística at Rua Nestor Pestana. From 1959 onwards it would be held at their own Teatro Record, on Rua da Consolação. 
List of those bestowed the Roquette Pinto trophy for 1957. Radiolândia #199 (1958).
Charming Idalina de Oliveira (22) was voted the best 'garota-propaganda' (commercial-girl) for 1957; Márcia Real, best actress and Jayme Barcelos, best actor. Radiolândia.
4 February 1958 - 'A Gazeta Esportiva' splashes a whole page about the bestowing of Roquette Pinto Awards to the best in their categories of radio & TV in São Paulo. 
Maysa receives her Roquette 1957; Ronald Golias & Bride at the gala.
Roquette Pinto 1958.
Roquette Pinto Award for radio & TV, 1960.
Artists bestowed with the Roquette Pinto Award for 1963.
1963 Roquette Pinto Award was presented on Saturday, 14 March 1964, only 2 weeks before the Brazilian Army overthrew President João Goulart on 1st April 1964, and imposed a harsh Military Dictatorship which lasted more than 20 year. 

Thursday, 16 May 2024

Thais Matarazzo & Luiz Amorim meet Leila Silva - 2012

Thaís Matarazzo Cantero was an entrepreneur at heart. She made things happen. She would meet someone like the president of São Paulo's Order of Musicians, and sooner than later she would organize an afternoon recital at their headquarters at Edifício Itália at the heart of the city São Paulo.

I had met Thaís at Pateo do Collégio some time in 2004. We both took part in a weekly meeting of people who admired show business & Brazilian music of the 1930s & 1940s. Thaís had a special preference for Aurora Miranda, who had a much more famous sister called... Carmen Miranda. Thaís also liked to write biographies about show-business people who lived in the 20s, 30s & 40s.

One day, Thaís told me she was going to meet Leila Silva, who had been a popular singer in the late 1950s and 1960s at the headquarters of the Order of Musicians. I had already told Thaís, I had a special bias to Leila Silva, for she was Number One at the Hit Parade, when I moved to São Paulo in December 1960, with a samba-choro called 'Não sabemos'. I was really impressed by that particular song and I elected her my favourite female singer. More than 50 years had already gone by but I was still excited when Thaís invited me to go along and meet my former teen-idol.

Here are the photos taken on that particular Wednesday afternoon, 3rd October 2012.  Twelve years have gone by... Thaís, sadly passed away in early 2023 and Leila, unfortunately had been struck with some form of the Alzheimer disease, and is being taken care of by her daughter in Santos-SP. But the memories are so alive I just can't believe it was so long ago. It seems like only yesterday. 

Thais Matarazzo, Valdir Comegno, popular singer Leila Silva and someone who worked at São Paulo's Order of Musicians, in the afternoon of 3rd October 2012.
Leila Silva worked then at the Order of Musicians at their Santos off-shoot. 
Luiz Amorim with Leila Silva, his favourite female singer. 
I couldn't believe I was taking a photo with Leila Silva... 
Thais Matarazzo took this shot... 
a double Leila is better than one Leila...