Monday, 16 September 2013


June 1970 - Dave Gordon's album accompanied by Sao Paulo rock outfit The  Rebels.

O artista principal dessa gravação - Dave Gordon ou 'King Dave' - esconde sob essa nomenclatura artística aquela que recebeu na pia batismal, de Neville Gordon. Nascido na Guiana Britânica (British Guiana) no dia 13 de agosto de 1932, é tão grande de tamanho quanto em altura artística - 1 metro e 92 centímetros.

Fez seus primeiros estudos na Freeburg Church da England School em Georgetown e com apenas 10 anos de idade participou do Coral da Igreja Anglicana local. Com 19 anos ganhou um concurso de calouros, recebendo uma medalha de ouro e um contrato de 1 ano com a Radio de Georgetown, além de viajar pelo Caribe, recebendo o título de Mr. Caribe, como melhor cantor do Caribe. 

Em 1958, Dave formou The Four Lords, um conjunto vocal com Cy Manifold (* 27 April 1929 + 23 December 2008), Billy Moore and Johnny Bradford, partindo de Georgetown para o Brasil em excursão fazendo apresentações em Boa Vista, Recife, Salvador, Rio de Janeiro onde eles abriram o show de Sarah Vaughn na boite Fred's na Avenida Princesa Izabel em Copcabana. Em São Paulo se apresentaram na TV Record e restaurante Fasano. Voltando ao Rio ainda cantaram no Plaza, antes que cada membro seguisse seu próprio caminho, no entanto permanecendo a amizade.  

Passando a cantar solo, Dave viajou pela America Latina acompanhado por músicos brasileiros como Luiz Chaves, Sabá, Rubinho, Edson Machado e Fred Feld, um pianista yankee, que morava em um apartamento na rua Martins Fontes, perto do Djalma's na Praça Roosevelt, onde mantinha pinturas originais de Toulouse Lautrec e Van Gogh na parede.  

Dave participou até de um filme na Alemanha chamado 'The girl with the red hair'.

Dave casou-se com Denise Duran, irmã da famosa Dolores Duran e tiveram um casal de filhos, Izzy & Tony Gordon. Dave & Duran cantavam na boite Djalma's de Djalma Ferreira, sendo que Dave era acompanhado de Sabá (baixo), Milton (bateria) e Fred Feld ao piano, ao passo que Duran era acompanhada por Luiz Melo ao piano. Ambos excursionaram pelo Chile em 1961. 

Dave Gordon agradece a todos que participaram desse album: maestro Laércio, José Marino (Zelão) e Hermeto, além, é claro de The Rebels, famosos por suas temporadas no My-Love e Michel, além de aparecerem em filmes como 'Conceição' e 'Noites vazias'. 

1970 - Dave Gordon records 'The wonder of you' (made popular by Elvis Presley) and 'I want to go back to Bahia', Paulo Diniz's greatest hit.

P.S.: Dave Gordon has passsed away on 26 December 2016, in a Nursing Home in Sao Paulo where he'd been for some time after having been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. Dave left a daughter (Izzy Gordon) & son (Tony Gordon) plus many granddaughters, grandsons and at least one great-grand-son.  

Cy Manifold formerly from The Four Lords, like Dave Gordon lived in Brazil. 

Friday, 13 September 2013

MARTINHA & Luiz Fabiano

Martinha became a sudden sensation in 1967, when she appeared at 'Jovem Guarda' a TV Sunday afternoon rock show singing songs written by herself. Actually, Roberto Carlos, the show's commander had recorded Martinha's 'Eu daria minha vida' (I would give my life away) that went straight to #1, giving a boost  to her career. Martinha was only 17 years old when she wrote that song.

Martinha recorded 'Barra limpafor AU (Artistas Unidos) an independent label associated with Recife's Mocambo Records which soon released Martinha's very first album 'Eu te amo mesmo assim' (I love you despite of everything) which catapulted her to #1 all over the country. 
Luiz Fabiano shows a few chords to Martinha...
Martinha exchange songs & ideas with new-comer Luiz Fabiano.
Intervalo 1st July 1967.
Martinha's 1st album went to #1 and she was hailed as a phenomenon by US's Billboard magazine. It was released in France too.
Martinha had an international career too. Here's her 45 giri 'Va' (Vai) backed with 'Io darei la vita mia' which was recorded by Marisa Sannia too.
CGD released Marisa Sannia's cover of  'Eu daria a minha vida' (Io darei la vita mia) in September 1969; Martinha meets Rita Pavone in 1968, in São Paulo while Rita was on her honey-moon.
Roberto Carlos put Martinha on the way to stardom when he recorded her 'Eu daria minha vida'. 
Luiz Fabiano's first hit with 'Se você se arrepender' (1968) for Odeon; which had been released as a B side.
Luiz Fabiano's good looks helped him a little. 
Fabiano's 1969 double-album for Beverly.
Beverly released a double-disc album; the first disc had 12 songs sung by Luiz Fabiano; on the 2nd disc there were 12 play-backs that the buyer could play and sing himself on top of it as a karaoke. I think this is a one-off experience in the phonographic industry. 
lyrics printed inside the cover to help the buyer sing along with the play-back.
Luiz Fabiano's 1973 album for Ancora Records, a Copacabana subsidiary.

Luiz Fabiano, whose real name was Jayr Campos Rodrigues was born on 5 May 1942, in Tupã-SP, a town 600 km west of São Paulo, where he started singing professionally in 1958, when he was only 16 years old. He crooned for Tupã's local bands like Mario & seu conjunto, Jasson & sua orquestra and Nelson & sua orquestra.

Fabiano moved to São Paulo and fronted the Sylvio Mazzucca's orchestra for some time. When Channel 9 broadcast the II Song Festival in June 1966, he sang 'Canção para um maiô azul com bolinhas brancas' (Song for a blue swim-trunk with white dots) written by himself and no doubt inspired by Brian Hyland's 'Itsy bitsy teenie mini yellow polka dot bikini' as Jair Campos. The song was placed #9 but the album containing the finalist songs was never actually produced and Fabiano did not have a record he could plug around. 

Luiz Fabiano was finally given the chance of his life later on in 1966, when he was spotted by singer-producer Tony Campello while singing at a private party. Campello signed him for Odeon and he finally hit the charts with 'Se você se arrepender' in 1968. His lucky stars gave him another gift when Roberto Carlos recorded his 'Você me pediu' for 'As 14 Mais - Volume XXII' best-selling album. 

Later Fabiano moved on to Beverly-Copacabana where he recorded 'Meu bem, ao menos telefone', written by Ricky Ricardo & Paulo Roberto, one of his greatest hit which was included in his first album in 1969.

After leaving Beverly-Copacabana, Luiz Fabiano recorded for Continental Discos for many years. 
1968 was a big year for Luiz Fabiano. He had his biggest solo hit and Roberto Carlos recorded 'Você me pediu' which was track 1 for 'As 14 Mais - Vol. 22'.
Luiz Fabiano talks to Intervalo's Zamalia Doria in 1969 about his career and how he liked to go back to his hometown, Tupã-SP.
Luiz Fabiano talks to 'Revista do Radio' in  1969
at Revista Melodias,1969.
Luiz Fabiano with Avenida Paulista's Conjunto Nacional building on his back... 
Luiz Fabiano on the side of São Paulo's Public Library in his Continental Discos years.
Luiz Fabiano was still handsome at 36 years old in 1978. 
Erasmo Carlos' 1969 album contained 'Meu disquinho' written by Luiz Fabiano.

Luiz Fabiano died of cancer on 18 December 2009

Thursday, 12 September 2013

ANTONIO MARCOS 1968 - 1973

Antonio Marcos was part of the 3rd wave of Brazilian rock - if we may divide it in phases. 

Brazilian Rock's 1st wave (1958-1961) was made up of the pioneers like The Avalons, Tony & Celly Campello, Carlos Gonzaga and Sergio Murilo. 

The 2nd wave (1962-1965) was made up of são Paulo instrumental bands like The Jet Blacks, The Jordans, The Clevers and Rio de Janeiro's Roberto Carlos, The Angels, Renato & seus Blue Caps, Erasmo Carlos, Wanderléa, The Golden Boys. 

Brazilian rock's 3rd wave (1966-1969) were those young acts who came of age after TV Record's 'Jovem Guarda' was launched on 22nd August 1965, like Antonio Marcos, Os Caçulas, Vanusa, Claudio Fontana etc.

Antonio Marcos Pensamento da Silva was born in 8 November 1945, in São Miguel Paulista, a working-class suburb in the outskirts of São Paulo. It was a big family with 8 children. He was very musical and wanted to be a singer since he was a boy. He would sing at any gong-show possible. São Paulo was a big city with more than 15 radio stations and at least 4 different TV stations so Toninho (his nickname) could sing at a different venue every weekend.

In 1960, when he was 15 years old, Marcos sang The Platters' 'Only you' at TV Record's Grande Ginkana Kibon, a top-ratings amateur children's show broadcast every Sunday at 6:00 pm. It meant Antonio Marcos was a rock balladeer at an early age. 

He went to school at Colégio Estadual Dom Pedro I in São Miguel Paulista and worked as a shop assistant at Sapataria do seu Neném, a shoe-repair shop. 

By the time TV Record's 'Jovem Guarda' started in August 1965, Antonio Marcos was part of a 4-men-vocal-rock-group called Os Iguais - The equals - no relation to Eddy Grant's band of same name. Os Iguais were signed by RCA Victor in 1967, that soon released 'A partida' which had enough air-play for them to have a follow up. 

The A&R man at RCA Victor, Ramalho Neto thought better and decided to launch Antonio Marcos as a solo artist at the same time of Os Iguais' 3rd single release. 

But it took another year - August 1968 - for Antonio Marcos to hit the charts with 'Tenho um amor melhor que o seu' (I've got a better love than yours) a song written by Roberto Carlos himself. 

Roberto Carlos liked Antonio Marcos enough to have listened to some of his new songs, having chosen 'E nunca mais eu vou deixar você tão só' (I will never leave you alone) to include in his 'O inimitável' album (December 1968). It was track no. 1 on side A, which meant a lot when vynil was king.

Antonio Marcos in his high school graduation photo. 
revista Melodias
Antonio Marcos - revista Melodias August 1969.
Antonio Marcos just after the release of his 1st album. Seen right below with Claudio Fontana and manager Genival Mello.

Antonio Marcos trabalhou como office-boy, vendedor de varejo e balconista de loja de calçados. Participou do programa de calouros no Clube de Regatas da Nitro Química, que era comandado pelo Albertino Nobre. 

Atuou como ator nas peças 'Amor e curtição', 'Hair', 'Pé coxinho' e 'Samba contra 00dólar', de Moracy do Val, no Teatro de Arena. 

Antonio Marcos morreu em 5 Abril 1992.

Antonio Marcos sings one of his songs to Roberto Carlos in 1968. Actually, Antonio Marcos showed two of his best songs to Roberto who chose 'E não vou deixar você tão só' that he included as track 1 of his 1968 album 'O inimitável'. The other song Antonio Marcos showed was 'Você pediu e eu já vou daqui'. 

Claudio Fontana writes: Esta foto foi no dia em que Roberto Carlos foi almoçar no apartamento do nosso empresário Genival Melo, onde morávamos juntos Antonio Marcos, Claudio Fontana e Nelson Ned na Avenida Higienópolis, em São Paulo. Roberto Carlos ouviu 3 musicas, uma de Nelson Ned, uma minha (Claudio Fontana) e gostou da do Antônio Marcos. Foi um almoço maravilhoso e virou reportagem da revista 'Intervalo' - 14 September 2013. Claudio Fontana.
from left to right: Antonio Marcos, Genival Melo, Roberto Carlos, Nelson Ned, Dedé, drummer with RC-7 and Moacyr Franco. 
Claudio Fontana, Antonio Marcos, Genival Melo (standing), Roberto Carlos, Nelson Ned, Moacyr Franco (playing the guitar), Dedé and (probably) Carlos Manga.

Começou pouco depois do meio-dia e só terminou lá pelas 5 da tarde, quando o último convidado se despediu. Êsse foi um almôço excepcional: teve Roberto Carlos e Nice, Moacyr Franco, Antônio Marcos, Cláudio Fontana, Nélson Ned, Dedé (ex-bateirista de Roberto) e Carlos Manga, diretor e produtor de TV. Como anfitrião, o empresário Genival Melo estava eufórico. Sorrindo sempre, procurava dar um toque de perfeição a cada pormenor do encontro. Muita música se cantou, mil piadas foram contadas (faltaram as do Chacrinha, que, convidado, não pôde comparecer). Alegria geral na reunião de amigos, longe do burburinho dos palcos e do corre-corre nas gravadoras. Um sossêgo. 

Cada um mostrou o que de mais nôvo havia gravado. Nelson Ned cantou 'Camarim'. Ouvido e aplaudido. Claudio Fontana ia começar sua música quando chegaram Roberto, Nice e Dedé, baterista do RC-7.

Antonio Marcos visits Recife in March 1969 soon after RCA released 'Não fico mais sem seu carinho' - revista Melodias 1969.
Antonio Marcos was one of the top acts of 1969.

Antonio Marcos in 1970.
corduroy galore and sultry looks...

'Pais quadrados, filhos avançados' - 1970.
revista Melodias 1970.
1970's 'Menina de trança'.
Antonio Marcos in 1975  -   revista Ilusão.

see Antonio Marcos discography at this site:

In the mid to late 1970s Antonio Marcos got heavier due no doubt to his high intake of liquor. His taste in fashion wasn't exactly what one would consider 'stylish'... even considering the 1970s the worst decade ever concerning mode. 
reportagem da 'Sétimo Céu', de 1972, mostrando Antonio Marcos e seu pai sr. Vicente, distribuindo presentes para os pobres de São Miguel Paulista.
sr. Vicente e seu filho Antonio Marcos.
Antonio Marcos & brother Mario Marcos.
Antonio Marcos, Wanderley Cardoso & Paulo Sergio...

'Ele... Antonio Marcos' is perhaps his last good recording. One can clearly see his bloated face on the cover of the album. Marcos was drinking heavily then and it showed in his voice which was not exactly wobbly but lacked that firmness that one must have to really belt out a tune. Claudio Fontana's 'Ele' and Clayton's 'Pelos caminhos' tried to cash in on 'O homem de Nazaré' sort of Jesus-was-a-common-fellow... but times were changing quickly... those early 1970s 'Jesus Christ Superstar' gold mine had dried up.