Thursday, 18 March 2021

'Artistas Negros da MP e Rádio' by Thais Matarazzo Cantero, 16 March 2014.

Thais Matarazzo, the author of the book with Casa de Portugal's Maria dos Anjos Oliveira.
MPB researcher Paulo Iabutti waits while Thais autographs his book. Iracema Tamashiro is next in line...
the Author and Pedro Dalana Leme. N.B.: Pedro sadly passed away on 13 December 2019; he had cardiac and renal problems having caught a pneumonia in the end. 
author Diego Nunes, singer Denise Duran and Vassourinha impersonator Lucio da Silva...
the Trio at Casa de Portugal on a Sunda afternoon. 
Cícero Xavier, Manoel Ferreira and his wife Ivani...
Nancy Iabutti, her brother Paulo and Ignacio in the background.

Diego Nunes, Denise Duran, Carlus Maximus & Lucio aka Vassourinha. 
Pedro Dalana Leme & Diego Nunes. Dalana took half of the photos on this page.
singer Vander Loureiro and Lúcio da Silva
Vander, ...., Gilberto Ignacio (in the back seat) and Sirlei
Wipsley Mesquita & Vander Loureiro. 
Romeu Maccione, José Florindo Coneglian; Tatiane Cantero & Maria Matarazzo in the background.
Vassourinha, Carioca, 7 December 1935.

Thaís Matarazzo Cantero died on Sunday night, 11 January 2023, after having battled with cancer since mid-2020. She is and will be sadly missed!